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HALAAL and KOSHER approved
Welcome to Zinsel Health & Nutrition – Heal from Within
Zinsel was officially launched into South Africa in July 2006. Our unique product formulations are sourced from around the world, using only the finest and best quality ingredients.
Zinsel Range of nutraceuticals is manufactured under strict pharmaceutical conditions. Our products have followed scientific evidence over a number of research years and clinical trials have been done over decades of using the similar form of ingredients. All our products are 100% natural with no reported side effects and specifically formulated as an alternative to prescription medication. The capsules that are used in our nutraceutical range is HALAAL as well as KOSHER approved. The manufacturing premises are GMP, HACCP as well as ISO 9001 approved.
Our Philosophy is “Heal from within, naturally”.

Welcome to the extraordinary world of Zinsel
To heal and treat from within is your Ultimate Solution!
Identify your goal: Stop smoking, better skin, hair regrow. We have the complete solution for you!
Order the products that you require from our online store, and have it delivered to your doorstep.
Email or contact Zinsel today if you have any questions – – 0823773205
What some of our customers had to say.

*Hi Imzo Health, Just something for you: My skin developed something that looked like sunburn spots and it was peeling off almost like frostbite. I don’t know, but 3 days on the product and its gone. I mean 100% better – that is amazing. Thanks for the product – it works. Cheers
*Hello Imzo Health, I have been using your product Zinsel E and I think it is fabulous! I bought them in JHB but live in CT
*I started using Imzo skin when my boyfriend complained about the bad acne on my face.
Out of desperation I tried it thinking it’s the same ineffective stuff again. However, within 2 weeks the pimples on my face had cleared and there were no new break outs!
After a month my skin was evidently clear and after a few months the bad scaring had cleared.
I could never walk out of my house without make up and every time I got an unannounced visitor I used to rush to wear makeup!
Now I wear make up only for special occasions.
*Hello Imzo Health, I just wanted to let you know that your Imzo skin product has been absolutely amazing. I really battle with my skin during periods of extreme stress and your product has managed to control the awful outbreaks I used to experience. I don’t know if it is just the right combination of the right vitamins and minerals that manage to do this, but I have never been happier with any pill or cream in my life. Somehow it also seems to have made my skin appear younger and healthier over all. Well done to a great product.
*Net om dankie te se vir die wonderlike produk, Imzo Zinsel H Hair Re-grow. Ek het dit gebruik na my gemo kanker behandeling toe my hare uitgeval het, en het baie goeie resultate gehad. My hare het dadelik weer begin uitkom en baie vinnig gegroei en dik geword. Ek kan dit aanbeveel vir enige persoon wan ‘n probleem met hulle hare ondervind. Ek het dit vir my vriendin aanbeveel en dit het werklik ook vir haar gehelp. Nogmaals dankie
*I can really recommend ZINSEL e” Skin heal capsule. I have no problem skin when I use the product. My skin is softer and has a more radiant glow. When I started using the product, with in a week I could see a huge difference.
*I started using Imzo Skin when my boyfriend complained about the bad acne on my face. Out of desperation, I tried it, thinking, “It’s the same ineffective stuff again.” However, within two weeks, the pimples on my face had cleared and there were no new break outs! After a month, my skin was evidently clear and after a few months the bad scarring had cleared. I could never walk out of my house without make up and every time I got an unannounced visitor, I used to rush to wear makeup! Now I wear make up only for special occasions. I then decided to try Imzo Hair because my hair was very thin and short and generally unhealthy. My hair has volume now and it has grown in length. It is particularly great for African hair to protect the hair line after removing braids, bonding, etc. I would recommend Imzo products to anyone struggling with skin and hair – it’s so worth it. I suggest every bride consistently use Imzo treatments for at least 6 months prior to your wedding. You will reap the rewards in your wedding pictures.
Dear Zinsel
I am in my forties and prone to pigmentation when my skin breaks out, so it is imperative that I prevent my skin from breaking out. This is exactly what Zinsel E Skin Heal does for me! Absolutely love this product.
*Ek is ‘n 21 jarige sangeres van Centurion. In my beroep is voorkoms baie belangrik en gebruik ons baie grimering en veral onderlaag met “shows.” So bietjie meer as ‘n jaar terug, het ek ‘n vel produk begin gebruik en was blykbaar vir een van die grondstowwe in die produk baie allergies.
My vel het vreeslik begin uitslaan tot op ‘n punt wat dit gesweer het. Na baie trane en alles probeer het ek by Refinement Clinic van Zinsel gehoor en as jy op moedverloor se vlakte is sal mens enige iets probeer. Ek is nou vir 6 maande op Zinsel en is verstom oor die resultate, al wat ek kan sê is WOW… selfs die merke is besig om te verdwyn!
My vel voel sommer lekker en gesond en vir die eerste keer in ‘n baie lang tyd kan ek al sonder enige onderlaag voor mense verskyn sonder om selfbewus te voel. Ek dra my Zinsel nou saam en glo my, jy sal my nie ooit weer sonder dit kry nie!

*Please could I buy another 3 month’s worth? I have had cancer and rely heavily on Zinsel to grow my hair . I’d greatly appreciate your consideration of this request. I can EFT you the money if you let me know how much to send, and perhaps you would kindly send them to me again?
*Hi Imzo Health, Happy New Year to you too… I have the Zinsel e~and back to beautiful skin again! Thanks. Chat again when they run out!
*Ek is ‘n 31 jarige musikant en sanger wat vandat ek kan onthou met my vel gesukkel het. Vir ‘n man van my ouderdom, en beroep is dit nie lekker om meer met ‘n vel probleem te sit nie, en ek het gehoop dat ek dit lankal sou afskud.
Ek was feitlik op elke mediese produk en of pille waaraan mens kan dink maar niks het ooit vir my gewerk nie.
Net toe ek wou opgee het iemand my van Zinsel vertel. Ek was baie skepties na jare se produkte wat nie gewerk het nie, maar ook desperaat vir ‘n produk wat kan werk. Ek is nou sowat 5maande op Zinsel en kan nie die verskil glo wat dit in so kort tydjie vir my gemaak het nie.
Ek is vas oortuig dat die produk my vel 100% sal genees.

*When my hair started to grow back, after having lost it due to chemotherapy, a friend gave me a supply of this product. I did not think anything of it and took the product twice a day. Just another capsule to swallow. Once my hair reached an inch long, that’s when I really thought that it was thicker and more lush than before. In the eight months that it has grown, I constantly receive comments from friends on how quick it has grown. I think so too. So, at this time, I will continue taking this product. Thanks
*I am using the Zinsel h for about 10 months now. And WOW!! it really works I was struggling with hair loss for about two years and this was the only product that really worked wonders for me. My hair is back to what it was and even better. I want to try out the Zinsel Skin next. Thank you your products changed my life!
*Hello Imzo Health, I have to say that this is a very impressive product in that it certainly has been significant as to what its done for me and for my skin! Be it that I have been blessed with good genes, my skin has always been a good one but I must say that having taken this product, my skin has been enhanced, in texture, clarity, and in glow! So far, both your products, i.e. the skin preparation and the one for cellulite, I am totally impressed with as it truly is one of the VERY FEW PRODUCTS that work!! Everything that one takes is about consistency – it’s my choice to continue with this product as an integral part of my daily routine!
*Have suffered several bouts of telogen effluvium in recent years with severe thinning of my hair – literally having small handfuls fall out on each washing and brushing. Have tried almost everything on the market with only limited success using minoxidil. Tried the hair regrow on an impulse and was, despite my usual scepticism when it comes to supplements, blown away to find that it actually works! Within a month I noticed significant re-growth all over my scalp and 4 months later my hair is longer and thicker than it has been in years. I lose very little hair now and a side benefit has been that my nail strength has also improved dramatically. I now take 1 a day as a preventative / maintenance dose. I don’t know why it works but it does and the confidence I have as a result of reversing severe loss of hair is something I very grateful to Zinsel for. Thank you!
*Thank you so much for the bottle of Zinsel V. It has literally changed not only my body but my life.
After I had my baby boy in September last year. I had battled to lose my post pregnancy weight and in particular struggled with excess weight and flabby skin around my stomach. Despite extreme effort on my part to eat right, following a strict diet plan our clinic provides and exercising 3 times a week with a personal trainer, I could for the life of me not lose the weight nor improve the cellulite and post pregnancy belly.
I had by then received my Zinsel V and started using it right away (Middle June 2015) in a desperate ditch attempt to see if it would render any change. I am elated to say that within a week of using the Zinsel V, I lost 2kg and all of my colleagues wanted to know what the secret was – My answer quite simply: Zinsel V
Not only that but my cellulite is almost completely a thing of the past and I am currently boasting with a nearly flat stomach after barely a month’s use of Zinsel V. I have to admit that I was quite hesitant in using Zinsel V since I have hypertension and am currently using medication for this condition and was worried that the Zinsel V might interfere or cause complications like dizziness or light headedness or elevate my blood pressure etc. but to my delight I experienced no such feared complications or adverse reactions.
It is completely safe to use and I am over the moon with this product.
I would like to thank you for introducing this amazing product to me and changing my body and life, I love it!
*Hi Imzo Health, I can really recommend ZINSEL e” Skin heal capsule, I have no problem skin when I use the product, my skin is softer and has a more radiant glow. When I started using the product, with in a week a could see a huge difference. Greetings,
10 months ago, a friend of mine had just completed Chemo therapy and was using this product. I was blown away by her results and started using the product soon after.
My hair was very brittle and I was experiencing hair loss due to extreme stress and hormonal changes.
Coupled with the stress, I unfortunately had to have my kidney removed. My dietitian highly recommended I stay on Zinsel as it contains excellent ingredients
I felt very comforted that I was not putting anything harmful into my body.
A huge shout out to Zinsel and their amazing products.
*Hi Imzo Health, Thank you so much for the advice below, I feel a lot more comfortable knowing that the product is all-natural. I have an INCREDIBLY sensitive skin and have just come off a vitamin A product that wreaked havoc on my skin. I assume the Zinsel E is just assisting my skin in getting rid of the damaged skin, as this dryness has already subsided, within a day of sending you the email! I must say, my skin feels absolutely wonderful! It’s moisturized, hydrated and actually feels a lot plumper and my complexion is creamier. Having only been on the product for a week, and basically using EVERYTHING under the sun for my skin problems for the last 23 years, these results have amazed me! I will most certainly be recommending this wonder-product to anyone who can benefit from it. Have a wonderful day further, and hopefully in the next few weeks I can give you some more amazing news. I have no doubt about that. Thank you so much!
* “…I felt I had to write to tell you what a wonderful product Zinsel e is! I half-heartedly tried it thinking it would be the same as most products on the market, but was amazed when it actually did what you claimed it would! I have just had surgery to remove a tumor and after using Zinsel E , its appearance has greatly improved – Thank you for a brilliant product which I intend to keep on using!”
I have been using Zinsel E skin heal for about 8 months and omg it really works. I was struggling with Psoriasis on my hands which left me having to wear gloves for most of the day as the skin was so inflamed and scaly. The improvement in my skin is remarkable and I love the fact that I am no longer ashamed of my hands. A big thank you for your product!
I have been using the Zinsel Skin Heal tablets for the past 6 months, on recommendation from a friend and it is really amazing. It has improved the elasticity of my skin and also assists in decreasing the side effects of my Jaundice flare ups. Must be the Zinc that helps with that 🙂
Thank you for this!
I really really can’t live without my Zinsel product! My hair is falling out on a regular basis and if it wasn’t for Zinsel I would have no hair left! They just grow back to my normal hair thickness everytime! I will NEVER stop using it!!!! Please keep on supplying them!
*My name is Donovan Barnard and I am a 25 year old male. My hair loss started a few years ago, who knows for what reason. I have been very disappointed as not even doctors could help me or tell me why I was losing my hair. I have no medical problems at all and all they can say is that they don’t know the cause and that it could be stress. I was losing my hair in the front, typical male pattern baldness. After using Zinsel h for only 2 months I noticed my hair growing back in a swirl-like pattern (like a new born baby), in the lower crown area. I also have new growth on the top of my head, and just above each rear side onto the top. The process takes a while, as healthy follicles produce hair at a slow pace but within 3 months, it was as thick as the rest of my hair. After 6 months, I now have as much hair on my head as I did in high school. THANK YOU Zinsel h
*Emmanuel Castis, well-known local actor and singer from various soaps, including Isidingo, is proudly sponsored by Zinsel h Hair Re-Grow!

*I then decided to try Imzo hair because my hair was very thin and short and generally unhealthy.
My hair has volume now and it has grown in length it is particularly great for African hair to protect the hair line after removing braids, bonding etc. I would recommend Imzo products to any one struggling with skin and hair it’s so worth it.
I suggest every bride consistently use Imzo treatments for atleast 6 months prior to your wedding you will reap the rewards in your wedding pictures
*Dear Imzo Health, There is no better product than Imzo Skin Heal. I never had a problem skin, but ever since I got pregnant, I had a terrible skin. I used expensive products for problem skin, creams, capsules, cleaning products, but nothing worked. When I started with Imzo, after 1 month I could see a drastic difference in my skin. I kept on using it for more than a year and my skin has so Improved, and I did not have a problem skin after that.
*Hi Imzo Health, How are you doing? Hope all’s well. Just wanted to say that I am very impressed with this product so far… I have been using it myself (I always like to try products out first before I recommend them to clients) and can definitely notice the difference, especially with the texture of my skin. So I will definitely do my best to start selling your product. I saw my beautician yesterday and told her about it.
*I bought a bottle of your Zinsel hair re-growth capsules and they made a remarkable difference to my hair.
*Thanks for the info, it was helpful – will take 2 per day. I did notice a difference with 1 white capsule a day, as I have very fine hair and it definitely improved because it was easy to see the difference in my hair. It’s the first product that has made a difference for me so I am happy with it, even though I find it expensive as I am retired! I bought the capsules from Jingles in Benmore Shopping Centre.