Male Pattern Hair Loss is a permanent, progressive genetic condition whereby follicles located across the entire vertex – from hairline and temples to crown – are gradually ravaged by the effects of the hormone DHT, the shedding in these affected areas may not all happen simultaneously.
It is quite normal to develop frontal hair loss without having a thinning crown as well – or vice versa – as well as an overall drop in the volume of your hair. Furthermore, it is likely that, without intervention, over time you may also develop thinning hair on top.
Eventually this can lead to baldness if nature is left to take its course, though the rate at which this happens varies from person to person and there are many factors, both genetic and lifestyle-related, which can influence this.
Another potential reason you may have a receding hairline without any other signs of hair loss concerns your choice of hairstyle. Whilst often primarily thought of as something that only affects women, there are various men’s hairstyles that can also cause hair loss if worn regularly. These are any tight styles that place undue stress and tension on the hair follicles, such as braids, cornrows, man buns and plaited dreadlocks.
These, when worn frequently, can stress and weaken the hair follicles around the source of the tension and particularly around the hairline and temples, resulting in hair loss from a condition known as Traction Alopecia.
If the hair loss is not so extreme that the skin has taken on a smooth, shiny bald look, Traction Alopecia treatment can be possible.