Though you probably already know this, cellulite is that unwanted condition in which parts of women’s bodies(usually the thighs and buttocks) appear to have fat deposits that collect under the skin, leading to the dreaded “cottage cheese” legs. It affects over 80% of women and unusually starts to manifest after puberty.
Where does cellulite come from?
The quick and easy answer is that cellulite is extra fat cells that have collected and worked down into the bands of collective tissue that help to attach the skin to the muscles underneath. As the strings of connective tissue pull apart and separate, the fat deposits can poke through causing a lumpy or rippled appearance.
Why does cellulite make thighs and butts look dimpled?
When the fat cells under the skin balloon or push up, it can limit the available space under the skin, which puts a lot of upward pressure on the connective tissue below. That upward pressure forces the fat right up against the upper layers of skin, which in turn pushes everything else upwards. This is what creates that dimpled look on the surface of women’s rears and thighs.
Maybe this will help:
Imagine a room without a traditional ceiling. Instead, this room has a large trampoline stretched across the top. Now imagine this room in filled to the top with normal sized, inflated balloons. The balloons are packed tight against the walls, but not enough to push up on the trampoline.
What would happen if all of a sudden, all of the balloons in this room grew in size. There would be tons of pressure pushing against all four the walls, the floor as well as the ceiling of the room. Because of the lack of space, there is only one way for the “room” to expand. The balloons push against the trampoline ceiling making it bulge upwards.
The connective tissue in your body is like the four walls of this room. They are rigid and won’t budge. Your outer skin is like the trampoline ceiling stretched over the top and the fat deposits are like the balloons that continue to grow. This is how and why cellulite literally pushes up against women’s skin and gives it that unwanted appearance.
Why do only women get cellulite, not men?
Women typically get cellulite instead of men because the bands under women’s skin are vertical, tight and perpendicular which leads to dimpling. While men have more bands under their skin, they typically run diagonally and are much thicker making them a lot less likely to push against the skin above.
Why does cellulite collect on the buttocks and thighs?
Women have trouble with cellulite on the legs and buttocks because that, along with the stomach, is where most women naturally store their fat deposits. It is these natural fat deposits that then work their way down into the connective tissue.
When it comes to fat deposits, there are two main body types. One type gains fat in their lower bodies (buttocks and legs) creating a pear shaped body. The other type tends to gain fat in their upper bodies (abdomens) creating an apple shaped body. Because you gain fat on the legs does not mean you will never gain fat anywhere else, it just means that is where your particular body type stores most of it.
Is there any good news about lower body fat deposits?
The good news is that while you may have come to despise the fat on your lower body, you do have an advantage over those people who tend to gain it elsewhere. Science and medicine have shown that it is abdominal fat, not hip and thigh fat that is particularly dangerous to health. It is abdominal fat that typically makes its way into the bloodstream clogging arteries. This is not likely to happen with thigh or buttock fat.
What is the bad news about lower body fat?
The bad news is that while thigh fat is not as dangerous to your overall health as belly fat, thigh fat is a lot harder to burn off. If you have ever tried to lose weight with a husband, boyfriend or any other male friend, you have probably noticed that men are able to lose weight in their stomachs much easier than women lose weight in their lower bodies.
There is help!
“Zinsel C “ is a unique combination of Phyto and Micro nutrients, designed to help smooth the lumpy effects of cellulite. This product helps to detoxify the skin by using powerful antioxidants and circulation enhancer’s.
Detoxifying allows the body to smooth out uneven skin texture and lumpiness. Get more info here!